NaPoWriMo'23 Day 19-20: What we cannot hear / Second thoughts before deleting a photograph
My phone scoffs like Amma,
Blinks twice disbelievingly-
Are you planning to let go?
You've aged 3 years,
It's a blurred one
NaPoWriMo'23 Day 19-20: What we cannot hear / Second thoughts before deleting a photograph
NaPoWriMo TTT x PoemsIndia : Explore the emotional Journey of Adulting
NaPoWriMo'23 Day Fourteen: Brief Heaven
NaPoWriMo'23 TTT x PoemsIndia: Exploring the soul of your city through poetry
NaPoWriMo'23 Day Ten: Our silence lives in the bodies of others
NaPoWriMo'23 Day Eight: Haircut and Hair Coloring as a reset button
NaPoWriMo'23 Day Seven: Prayers walk in high heels
NaPoWriMo'23 Day Six: Orange
NaPoWriMo'23 Day Five: We are gift-wrapping the earth in plastic, but for whom
NaPoWriMo'23 Day Three: Every Dead Thing is in need of more mourning
NaPoWriMo'23 Day Two: Flowers at Night
NaPoWriMo 2023 Day One: I started something I couldn't finish