Prompts for NaPoWriMo 2024
Persuade your favorite book to change its title
The town I grew up in does not exist
What I See When I Stare Long Enough Into Nothing
Love begins with a metaphor
Architecture of Loneliness
Animals and birds you often come across
Onions, potatoes and tomatoes
Voice of the Air
Casual Forgetfulness
Notes on Fingernails
A conversation between two languages
The Patience of Ordinary Things
The Muses Among us
Don't call us dead
Prelude to the making of a poem
Memoirs of Walking Barefoot
Biography of Broken Things
Self Contradictions
Trying to Fly
Making Lists
Summer is for falling in Love
A Take-off On a passing remark
Lunch Boxes
Tangled Roots
Making up Memory
In the country of resurrection
Proofs & Theories
Almost Gods
Parting letter To April
An end has a start
Prompts for NaPoWriMo 2023
I started something I couldn't finish
Flowers at night
Every Dead Thing is in need of more mourning
A Poem from a woman in love
We are gift-wrapping the earth in plastic, but for whom?
Prayers walk in high heels
Haircut and Hair colouring as a reset button
I have built speed breakers in my heart
Our silence lives in the body of others
Explore the soul of your city through poetry
An ode to mispronunciations
Meeting a poet outside their poems
Brief Heaven
Neon Gods
I had a dream you won't understand even if I tell
Explore the emotional journey of adulting
A Poem from a woman in love
What we cannot hear
Second thoughts before deleting a photograph
Portrait of the space we occupy
Surging sensationalism and short-lived empathy
An elbow poem
A love letter to my future self
A lullaby for your father
An ode to mispronunciations
Euphemisms and alternate names for the word 'Ending'
Prompts for NaPoWriMo 2022
I like melancholy, so I write in the past tense
I'm afraid when I don't know what I'm afraid of
It's too beautiful. All this beauty can be exhausting.
What Color Is The Rain You See?
Name everything for the first time
An ode to the Nose
God owns heaven but He craves the earth.
Buddha in a Metaverse
Photographs objectify: they turn an event or a person into something that can be possessed
Trees have no elsewhere
Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.
A litmus test of Indian Democracy
Where do we get our dreams from?
The sudden movement of objects
Water has memory
The Beginning of Possibility is not even the beginning
Our eyes bend what they can't see
A Poem for your favourite kind of flower
Borrowed Meanings
Everyone laughs. Nobody remembers why. We all have tears in our eyes.
Children Live in a Parallel Universe
Tongues of Light
A Conversation with your Clothes
A World Where News Travelled Slowly
Mother's Handwriting
Misremembered Lyrics
The Day I was named
An ode to our Vocabulary
You must love somebody
NaPoWriMo Guidelines and FAQs
Every day in April, a new poetry prompt will be added to this page.
Anyone can take part in Poems India NaPoWriMo 2022 by writing a poem in response to any of the prompts.
The attempted poem does not have to include the exact wording or phrase of the prompt, but it must be related to the prompt.
Attempts can be submitted using the form below. If you are on Instagram and post your attempt on your public account, you can use the hashtag #poemsindianapowrimo to have your post considered a submission.
Each of the prompts is valid for the next 48 hours days. For example, until the end of April 2rd, one can submit their response to the April 1st prompt.
Please submit your attempt here.