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Poems India Newsletter

We, at Poems India, are as pleased as excited to finally announce the launch of our new email newsletter. Our very first issue will be sent out at the beginning of November and you will find us sitting in your inboxes twice a month, to serve you our hand-picked curation of the finest art. 

The newsletter will allow us to approach various grassroots of literature and art and bring them forward before curious minds and hungry hearts. With these curated columns, we intend to give you a unique experience into the world of poetry and unlimited access to our choicest poets and their works. We hope you’ll readily welcome us in your inboxes as you’ve done in your hearts. We have been consistently working with a diligent team of passionate artists to bring only the best before you. From poetry that will make you miss your bus stop to book recommendations worth missing deadlines for to a peek into the most celebrated authors’ lives to exclusive prompts, we’ve got it all. We wish to be an awaited letter that passes from beneath your front door and not just another email stuck in the promotion folder. 

Our goal with this newsletter is to find a way to connect better with you and give you something that not only fulfils your soul but leaves you inspired. It is through this small initiative that we look forward to exploring and learn together. 

All you have to do is subscribe through the link in our bio and await a Poems India notification. 

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